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Virtual date girls tammy прохождение

AIF Sans Mystery.
Taking the mystery out of AIF (2011-2018) Sunday, April 14, 2013. Walkthrough: Virtual Date Lisette by Chaotic. 41 comments: Piciking the three dares is hard and completely random, the key with the dare game is not to get lissette's influence up but daisys. The three dares i ALWAYS choose and gives me about a 80% success rate are the Following: 1) Pose for a Naughty Photoshoot. (requires Camera) 2) Kiss Someone's Ass 3) Streak Naked down the corridor.

The key here was to have a second option that invloves everyone naked. The Dares the ladies choose are: 1) Stick Someone's Foot in your mouth. 2) Hold Breath for 1 min 3) Jump up and down on the bed 4) Give someone a lap dance 5) Someone mus take a spanking 6) Everyone Remove Clothing. For each dare use the following options to increase Daisy's Inf 1)Stick Someone's foot in your mouth Daisy's. 2)Hold Breath for 1 min (only do-able while naked) 3)Jump Up and Down on bed.

4)Give Someone a lap dance. Daisy gives Lisette a Lapdance. 5)Someone must take a spanking. Daisy Spanks Lisette. For your dares choose the following 1) Kiss Someone's Ass. Lisette kisses Daisy's ass. 2) Pose for a Naughty Photo. Daisy () * you would think the both pose would increase more ** note Lisette inf goes down with this option.

Now even with these choices and attempts the game can screw you over. I have gotten one where the first two dares were remove clothing and streak. the only way to get the ending is to have them naked and all the dares accomplished with the most inf possible on daisy. Fun Note: When you first get in the pool with the Two naked ladies. Kiss Daisy first for a secret ending. Thanks for that.

My walkthrough is pretty rough in places, and that was one of those places. "Kiss Daisy first for a secret ending" Lisette gets mad and they both go to bed?

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